Sunday, September 21, 2014

Introduction Week

This week in B183 we had the opportunity to begin reading "The Start-Up of You" by Reid Hoffman (Co-Founder & Chairman of LinkedIn) and Ben Casnocha (Entrepeneur) with the expectation of providing a book report by Week 3 on the information contained in the book. Not going to "fib" or "lie" just got the box on our porch yesterday with one of the contents being this particular book. So in preparation for reading the book I followed the suggestion of going to the link provided in this weeks lesson material on I-Learn promoting the book and where someone may order it at to gain some insight to the book and what it might have to offer its reader. The thing I was initially impressed with were some of the endorsements on the page by individuals that have accomplished many great feats in their careers and leadership responsibilities. It seemed there was one parallel I noticed in the endorsements, that the book helps people understand better what they can accomplish, seems like that alone is an attractive reason to read the book and see what "I" myself and capable of and where I am missing out on possible important insights to do even better!

The second thing that stuck out to me this week was the videos we were assigned to watch and take quizzes on, the first was a shorter video with a gentlemen by the name of Guy Kawasaki speaking entitled "Do What You Love and the Money Will Follow". He explains his personal story of finding his way in what he was interested in and even quitting Law School after attending for 10 days! Really interesting and motivational in letting someone know its okay to move on until you find the right fit for yourself. The second video was a clip of former President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints President Gordon B. Hinckley during a dedication of the Hinckley Building , President Hinckley's words were very touching and his comments regarding this generation being the greatest. His words make me want to live up to his commnents after listening to it, I would recommend listening to it and asking yourself what you have done to live up to his comments of this generation being the greatest.

I look forward to more next week and stay tuned for what is next week, hopefully more nice weather and opportunities to learn!

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