Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Week 2 - Honesty, Ethics, and "Who" is an Entrepreneur

This week brought some thoughts to the table that I think have been a popular discussion in the news and that somehow society has a hard time to recognize. "Ethics", its definition is fairly brief as it is says "moral principles that govern a person's or group's behavior", quite simply you might be able to even say someones "conscience". Unfortunately we live in a day and age where people often ignore their conscience and go for what makes them happy in the moment. In the business world this leads to what eventually escalates to problems that effect hundreds and even thousands of people. If there is anything I have learned about honesty is that regardless of your motive it will hurt someone in the end. If you cheat someone pay or compensation, you are not only shorting the individual, but his family he may be providing for, maybe the difference you are shorting over time takes away from what that person could have invested and made even a greater profit on the funds, and what effects it might have on providing less for their children's education or benefit? In summary again, regardless of what "you think" the motive or outcome is, there is more that it is effecting that you cannot possibly comprehend, especially when jaded with thoughts of selfishness or greed.

If more people had further perspective and understanding of what "greed" can do they might resist the temptation more, but unfortunately the most visible trait of greed is not caring about the consequences other than "not getting caught". And the mantra or creed will continue to be such I can only imagine until sometimes someone is caught and receives consequences for their actions, but even then some people will and just never learn.

On the brighter side, there are many great stories about people who never knew directly of their greatness, but they still found themselves making steps that have led them to greatness. We read a story about an incredible woman named Magdalena Yesil that overcame the obstacles of seeking more education, then moving to America, and then following pursuits that were even at times out of her comfort zone that brought great returns on the investments of her time and energy in her career paths. If you have an opportunity to learn more about this woman's life I would highly recommend it, it can be motivating and influential on how we operate reading stories of others success, this story was insightful and motivational to me.

Overall this week I would sum up my learning activities in that I have refreshed my thoughts of "why" it is important to be honest in business dealings and consider the lasting effects of decisions. Along with that if you consistently seek out opportunity and don't necessarily throw potential options  immediately opportunities can be endless, but its all about what you make of them and how much you put into "yourself".


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